Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Few Things About Me

So in efforts to stay sane, ahem I mean positive, during my two week wait I'm going try my very best to not over analyze or fret about all those annoying little things I'm going to start feeling very soon. I may have been a sucker in the past, and rushed to the computer to google every minor thing I felt, when in reality a random twinge at 6dpo (or whatever) could be just that. Can we say breakthrough here?!? So not this time tww, my new found positive attitude is going to keep me away from google! I know I know, that's a pretty bold statement but I'm determined. You are my witnesses, and I'm vowing to NOT google anything ttc related at all!!! So take that google.

And so going along with my new tww mantra I thought a random blog would be fitting. Here are a few things about me, my favs, likes, dislikes, I guess we'll just see where this goes:
  • My favorite number is 24 - my birthday is 10/24, I found out I was preggers on 4/24, I just had my 3rd IUI on 1/24. I really like even numbers (check), and hello there is a TV show named after it, which I happen to love (isn't this season good so far)!
  • I LOVE to cook - I'm obsessed with Rachael Ray recipes...however RR actually bugs the crap out of me. But what can I say 30 min. meals is right up my alley, and she happens to love the same foods as me, garlic, onion, mexican, hot sauce. I just tried this recipe and it was SOO yummy and had tons of leftovers... I highly recommend!
  • Frank's Red Hot - since we're on the topic of food (I'm eating my lunch right now, hah) I have to give a shout out to this hot sauce. Hubby and I literally could drink this stuff, when it goes on sale at Costco I buy like 6 super size bottles cause we go through it so fast. And I'm pretty sure there isn't anything that doesn't taste good with hot sauce!!!
  • Love stories - I am SUCH a sucker for a love story and truly believe that "all you need is love." My parents tend to be much more business partnership with their marriage, and I've rarely ever seen them act affectionately towards each other. I think this instilled something in me when I was younger that I was looking for one thing when it came to love...to quote Carrie from my all time favorite show SATC "I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love." I was lucky enough to find just that. And to this day I can watch movies like the notebook, ps I love you, etc over and over (and have...usually while bawling my eyes out and a glass of wine). I love how love itself can take so many forms, and how you can't define it, but instead feel it and show it in different ways. The idea of falling in love is just such a cool concept to me!
  • Music - I LOOOVE music, and I'm not a musical person at all (although I did dance in high school)...but a good song can totally move me. I also have every musical downloaded in my iphone...my all time fav is Rent and I've seen it like 7 times!! I'm SO that person you see when your stopped at a red light and the person next to you is so obviously singing their heart out to the radio. And trust me when I say I know I don't have a good voice, but I love to belt it out!! If I hear a song on a tv show, movie...I always make a mental note to go get it on itunes. I have 25 different playlists on my iphone, songs for work, songs for driving, ultimate dance, love songs, etc, etc! Right now the song "I Will Show You Love" by Kendall Payne (grey's anatomy pick up) is on repeat in my car...I seriously think this should be the IF theme song. *Okay I was just typing the point below and this song came up on my iphone, no joke...FREAKY!!!
  • TV - Not sure if you noticed but there pretty much isn't a show I don't watch. Hubby and I love tv, and my best friend always wonders how I actually have enough time in the day to keep up with my tivo schedule...well I'll let you in on a little secret...I do not sleep! I just don't need much sleep, never have. I've also done a great job of training hubby, although sometimes I have kick him in the ribs when he starts to snooze on the couch, my friends seem to think this is cruel...but I'm just doing whats best for him, cause I know he does NOT want to miss the last 15 min. of real housewives!!! hah. AND 6 more days until Lost, my absolute favorite show!!!
  • Twilight - Aaaahhh, Edward Cullen is so dreamy!!! hah, but seriously he's frickin hot and because of my love for him I'm now obsessed with twilight...books and movies. It started when we rented Twilight, cause of all the hype...and then my friends swore if I liked the movie I would LOVE the books. My problem was I don't read books, unless I'm on vacation...I get super carsick so I can't ever read in the car or on the train...it sucks, but even flipping through a magazine makes me nauseous! BUT, I've discovered Kindle for Iphone, and I can download the Twilight books there for $5. And guess what, when I'm bored at work (and am not blogging, or reading blogs), I turn into the corner of my cube and read away!! Don't tell my boss...heheh! Right now I'm on Eclipse and its SO good.


Anonymous said...

Edward Cullen IS so dreamy. I love the Twilight series and I used to work for the company that publishes the books. Let me know how you like the rest of the books in the series!

Anonymous said...

Well hello fellow Lostie!! Yeah! I can't wait for this season to start up again. So. Good. Hubs and I have been re-watching eps from seasons 4 and 5.

I love this post! Sometimes you gotta celebrate things beside follie sizes. :) Your attitude ROCKS this 2ww. I wish you the best of luck staying off Google...I got a C+ on that endeavor last time I cycled. And I am sending you lots of chill, positive, BFPy vibes.

Anonymous said...

24 is my favorite # too!!! It was my number on all of my sports teams in junior high/high school/college! I love even numbers too. ;)
And Franks hot sauce! We buy the huge huge bottle from BJ's too and my hubs make hot wings with it, yum. He pressure cooks them in hot sauce. =)

Shanny said...

Loved this!
I love even numbers, love tv and I also recently downloaded kindle for itouch and I'm loving it. Twilight saga? I'm obsessed!

Big Mama T said...

Haha, noooooo gooogggllleeee: that is the ULTIMATE 2ww rule.


R.J. said...

I had iui on Sat so I'm in my 2WW with you as well. I over-googled many times during the 2WW and I am trying to do better too!


Littlest True Blue said...

i have a t-shirt. hubby makes fun of me! It's all good though, because whether you are a 14 year old girl or an old fart like me, Edward is HOT!
Love the little facts about you! Hope you are feeling ok in this 2ww! When is your beta? I thought mine was Feb 8, but its actually not until the 10th. oh well, what's 2 more days!
Your 2ww buddy LTB

Secret Sloper said...

Basic, you sound like so much fun! I love a good love story too, though I go more for the Jane Austen/Charlotte Bronte variety. Swoon.

Sending Dr. Google out on a long lunch break is a smart thing to do :)

Jane said...

I'm loving the no googling thing! I'm so going to try that (why does this seem like such a novel idea? It's like a revelation to me, though!)

Fran said...

I just wanted to wish you all the very best, the 2ww are hard no matter what, everything crossed for you!
