Welcome ICLWers. Very exciting times here!! To give you some background we're unexplained infertility, and have been trying since Jan '09. We got our first BFP au natural last year on 4/24 but sadly miscarried two weeks later. We've come full circle and just completed our first IVF cycle (4 failed IUIs prior), and oddly enough I am again hoping for a BFP this year on 4/24. My beta isn't until 4/27 and I'm not sure if I'll try to wait it out or not. Today I'm 4dp5dt which means I'm technically 9dpo. We transferred two beautiful embabies which now go by Scooter & Skeeter, and we have two snow babies that we can hopefully save for down the road. I'm hoping with everything I got this will be my cycle!!
And to update my progress so far, this has basically been the most agonizing week ever. Saturday and Sunday after the transfer were fine, since I was basically a huge waste of space on my couch, watching movie after movie, napping with the pups, and hubby doting on me 24/7. He was seriously the sweetest little nurse ever!!! He must have gone on 8 different food runs, and made this super comfy bed for me on the couch that he would not let me get up from except to pee and eat! But come Monday and Tuesday, and I had decided to work from home just so I didn't have to do the whole trek from the train to work and could maintain my light activity status. And my thoughts and my arch enemy google got the best of me.
Yesterday I had a mild panic attack when it occured to me that my lining could potentially be too thick, a thought which randomly popped in my mind. So I start crazily googling this and of course find some mixed findings. People saying your lining can't be too think, people saying anything over 14mm is bad and can affect implantation, so cue the tears streaming down my face as I realize mine was 16.5. Great, so my overly ambitious lining is the thing that is going to ruin this. Hubby suggested I call the nurse, who assured me I shouldn't worry about it and if I was really worried I should call my dr. Well, I've been saving my call Dr. S card this whole time, so I thought this was the perfect time to play it. Of course I still had to go through his nurse, but she relayed his message that my lining was 15.5 at the time of transfer which is perfect, and he's seen many women with linings thicker than mine get preggers, and to STAY OFF THE INTERNET!!! Hah.
Today I'm back at work, and I never thought I'd be so happy to go back to the office. I also scheduled a very needed acupuncture appointment for after work today...need to get zen again. As for symptoms, well my boobs effing kill. Which I blame entirely on the PIO shots, since this started before the transfer. And aside from that I really don't feel anything, which is just adding to the crazies! I did POAS Monday & Tuesday to test out the trigger shot, IN CASE I decide to test for real. Monday I had a super faint positive, and Tuesday was basically negative. Although I think I can still see a shadow of a line...hubby thinks we're in the clear. And that's that, we just continue to wait and hope and pray for the best!!!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
OMG you have me freaked out now about too thick lining...I hope my progesterone doesn't make it too thick this cycle...darn it! haha. I trust my doctor...he knows what he's doing...
Yea! I have a great feeling about this cycle for you, like I said before, I feel really "calm" about it - like it "feels" right to me. My fingers are tightly crossed, I cannot wait to read what your POAS or beta reveals!
Oh, jeez, I can hardly wait for you to get your results. All these bloggies cycling right now are just making me crazy!
Hold tight. Just a few days more :)
My fingers are tightly crossed for you!!!! And yes, try your best to stay off the internet, your lining is just fine =)
Hoping and praying with you! Can't wait till next week! You on Wed adn me on Thurs! Atleast we are in this agonizing wait time together!!!
Glad you are getting to acupuncture today. My acupuncturist is amazing at helping me when I am really anxious and lord knows anyone in your shoes would be anxious right about now. I am really hoping this is it for you hon! I have a good feeling:)
I'm pretty sure everyone in my doctors office wants to ban me from the internet. I have diagnosed myself with some pretty scary things via Dr. Google!
I'm looking forward to hearing your results next week!
the internet can be a BAD BAD thing. stay off until you get your positive bfp!! i was worried that my lining was too thin. you're worried about thick. one can't win. i have VERY HIGH hopes for you my friend, so stay sane till beta :o)
I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you and hoping that this is the one!
I hate Dr. Google.....Try your best to avoid him at all costs! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, can't wait to hear!
Step away from the Google!! Everything still sounds perfect and good for you for taking it easy. And yay for getting spoiled by the hubs - eat it up while you can! Hopefully his post-ER spoiling will soon change to preggo-wife-spoiling!
Hey...we need to plan another get together soon!
haha, I love that your doc told you to stay off the internet!! Hilarious :-).
Can hardly wait to hear the news. Hang in there, not much longer.
Happy ICLW!
Good luck! It sounds like everything is going perfectly. As the other ladies have mentioned, step away from Dr. Google. He can drive you insane!!
Yeah, staying off the internet is good advice - not that I follow it... :) "Snow babies" *giggle* I love it! ICLW
Fingers and toes crossed for you! I hope this is your cycle and you see you BFP!! Good luck with everything!
Dr Google - AKA Dr Evil - LOL!!! My gosh we just love to torture ourselves don't we?! We can take a perfect situation and turn it into something not so good.....
How cute of hubs to take such good care of you!!! What a good egg! (like the ones inside you! ;)
You are doing great and only 4 more days right?! Waiting ever so patiently. xoxoxoxoxoxox
Silly girl. Don't you know that Dr. Google is THE DEVIL?! :) I am so glad your RE was able to put your mind at ease. No more Internet searching for you, missy! And I am glad you are back at work and it's helping you take your mind off of things. I can't wait for you to test or get your beta!!!
I have everything crossed for you! I think 4/24 is going to be your day!
You are doing awesome and I feel SO GOOD about this cycle. Hang in there just a little bit longer!!! (((hugs)))
PS I love that you called your doctor. That reminds me of my emailing obsession. I'm glad you got peace of mind!!
We are almost there my friend!!! Your test is sooner than mine, I go back April 30th. I hope you are both super PREGGO!!!
haha, stay off the internet!!!!
Very excited for your cycle!
Hoping and praying that this is your cycle.
Really, can we make your beta earlier than 4/27? The suspense is killing me. Test this weekend, lol.
And my NP said the same thing about google - she's like it's (the internet) is good for reading blogs, but stay off the chat rooms/forums and dont google anything!
Crossing my fingers this is your cycle!
Good Luck
Happy ICLW
Fingers & toes crossed!!!
Wishin' and Hopin' and Prayin' !!
Darn Dr. Google, gets me all stirred up too....hubby banned me from him :) And, my Dr. friends absolutely hate the internet, as they get patients all wigged out and self diagnosed over nothing...LOL
Hang in there and keep us posted
This is the hardest - this crazy wait. Hang in there!
I can totally relate to your lining concerns. Mine was 16ish at the last monitoring appointment, but it seems to be ok as we just got some really good news! Hoping the same for you!
Isn't Dr. Google terrible? Sending prayers for your Skooter and Skeeter, and a very happy end to your tww!
Good luck and hang in there. Great blog, can't wait to read more. I'm your newest follower from IComLeavWe.
I wanted to wish you luck and speed through your 2ww. I will keep checking in on you!
I really, really hope this is it for you! The 24th is a lucky day--it's my half-birthday. I'm sure that means a lot to you :). And it sucks when you have pregnancy symptoms that you know are from something else. Totally messes with your head.
Happy ICLW!
Stop Googling!!!! :)
Thinking lots of positive thoughts for you!!
Hello, visiting from ICLW. I see that your retrieval & transfer went well! After 4 IUI's I'm very glad you made the decision to do IVF. I counsel my patients that with IUI's the best result under the best circumstances give you a pregnancy 20% of the time, but with IVF it can be up to 70%, exp. at your age. You are now in your 2WW...good luck with that! Relax, and count yourself among the lucky few that have some frozen embryos for an FET or perhaps that second baby in the future! Good luck with your journey...ICLW #7
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