So I just got back from my 16 week appointment (a few days early). As you guys know I was determined to see I called earlier this week and said I was still concerned about the bleed I had in my uterus (which I really wasn't but if you have a bleed might as well take advantage), and would really like an u/s to check on it. The nurse said just mention it to the dr. at my appt and she would probably have no issues squeezing me in!
And of course I was nervous about this all morning, I'm such a chicken when it comes to drs...but to my amazement she said no problem. So hubby and I scooted over to the ultrasound room to get our peek at Skooter. Well, first off it was a pretty disappointing u/s because the tech was mostly looking for the bleed (which was totally gone, YAY). She did measure the head, length and heartbeat and everything was measuring perfectly. I even asked if we could get a better look, and she said the baby is super low and my placenta was getting in the way.
Then she stopped and was like I'm going to have you undress and do a vaginal u/s, I think your placenta may be over your cervix. She walks out the door and I start freaking, what the hell does that even mean, and thank god we got this u/s today. So she's back and sure enough my placenta is totally covering my cervix, and baby's head is right on top. She then told me she was going to go tell the dr. and I would probably have to meet with her again, she brought up to this tiny little room that looked like a place where people go to get bad news. I'm talking a small circle table, a box of tissues, and a red button that says push for help (which the dr. did confirm is in every room, yes I asked).
So turns out the placenta grows where it grows, its can move with your uterus as it expands...but it won't just pick up and move to the other side of your uterus. She said most of the time it will move out of the way, but if it doesn't you have what is called placenta previa and you can't deliver vaginally because your cervix is blocked. Apparently if it doesn't move that means c-section 3 weeks early because they don't even want to risk you going into labor. She said no sex until our 20 week u/s, and specifically no orgasms for me (BOO). So now we just wait.
I of course got back to work and googled the shit out of placenta previa and yes it sounds super scary if you have to deal with it, but it does seem like its super early to be concerned and more often than not the placenta will move out of the way. The dr. told me not to stress, but she's crazy if she thinks this won't be the only thing on my mind for the next month. At least I can stop worrying on the bleed and focus on one issue at a time. Man, if it's not one thing it's a frickin other.
*Side note, u/s tech kept referring to baby as he. Maybe she calls all babies he...but I found that weird. She even asked if we were finding out, and I said no so don't say anything if you see anything, and then she was all he/she. Also the heartbeat was only 143 this time now my total girl confidence is a little bit shaken...which I'm kinda excited about because let's face it, if it's going to be a surprise I'd like to at least wonder a bit!!!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
2 days ago
SO happy that Skooter is looking great. But the previa thing is just one more stress! I guess its good you got that u/s done today! I ahve a friend who had a previa and she just got a c-section and it was not a big deal. No worries!
That is too bad about the placenta previa...hopefully it won't end up being a big issue!
A few of my relatives had previa and it ended up being fine. Hopefully this is just one more small thing that will en up being nothing!
Ah, man that sucks about the placenta previa, I'm hoping that it moves and isn't a problem when you get closer to delivery.
But the no sex or orgasms? UGH!! Not fun! :-(
Don't know much about prevaria, but I do know it hasn't been one of my stresses - simply because I'd love an additional reason for a section (other than ... because I want one). But I'm sure you don't feel the same way, so I'm hoping it all works out and fixes itself. Still can't believe you're not finding out. I'm dying to know!!!!
I hope the placenta moves a bit for ya!
I watched a show called "Deliver Me" on Discovery Health I think. One of the OB's had it and she had to be put on bedrest towards the end of her pregnancy. I think they worry that you will start bleeding.
Previa's definitely stressful, but my good friend who had it went on pelvic rest for a few months (which it sounds like it what they're putting you on) and it's resolved itself. I'm hopeful yours will do the same!
I hope everything moves back in place. And, it is good that they've caught it, now, so they can keep an eye on everything.
Good thing they caught the previa now so they can keep an eye on it.
Glad the bleeding issue is ok!
See? Your persistence and curiosity helped them to find something that they probably wouldn't have found for a little while. I'm sure it's scary, but everything will work out....and since I'm such a planner, I think a planned C-section would relieve a bit of stress because at least you know when you will get to meet Skooter. I hope your U/S tech didn't spill the beans!
Well I am most certainly glad the bleeding has stopped and agree with Gidget, your persistance was a hidden blessing!! It sounds like you have plenty of time for the placenta to move....but if not, the plan for the C-Section along with some bed rest, you and Skooter should be just fine. Tell the lady at work who chomps on her food really loud that hearing others chomp is what causes the previa and she needs to stop, doctors orders ;) xoxoxoxoxox
you have ME googling placenta previa as well!!! damn, i swear IF makes our brains GROW. bc what i know now vs what i knew a year ago is just incomparable.
pulling hard that your placenta moves somewhere else so that this doesn't become a problem. *try* not to worry. i want you to enjoy this pregnancy after all you've been through to get here. xoxoxoxo.
Hang in there honey...I've discovered this can be one hell of a bumpy ride! Try to focus on the positive, you have a healthy growing baby and the placenta issue is yet to be determined...we're gonna pray like mad that previa does not come your way.
Be good to yourself! And, pat yourself on the back for your persistance that paid off :)
Happy Friday!
I'm glad Skooter is doing great. I had the previa scare but the Dr seems to think mine will resolve as the uterus grows an the placenta will migrate. I pray that happens with yours!
Keep us up to date as always!
I am sorry to hear about the placenta previa. I hope that it will resolve itself on its own. I am glad you were able to get a peek at your LO though!!! Hope you have a relaxing weekend!!
Wow, so scary. This seems to be happening a lot more often lately, or at least I'm reading about it more often on IF pregnancy blogs. I'll be thinking about you and Skooter and praying this resolves on its own.
Glad the baby's doing great. Praying for a wandering placenta for you!
Good thing you got your Us....Just have to take it easy:) I know basically alot of physical activity can aggrivate it....but I think you work at a desk so that is good or you would probably be off of Me....My bestie does US for a living and says they see this alot in early pregnancy and not to worry to much over it that is will probably move and everything will be fine but if not they will now be monitoring you closer so they will be watching you more which is a good thing...Take care and have a relaxing weekend:)
I see a lot of previa patients at work... I know previa sounds scary, but it really is a good thing that they were able to identify this issue now and take proper precautions and be proactive. It becomes really effing scary when there is no or late knowledge of it, and that's when things can get all dangerous for both mom and baby. Remember, googling is NOT your friend! Stay away from the google! ;) The upswing likely is that you'll get more u/s to keep good check on this. My fingers are crossed that the placenta hitchikes a little farther north for you! Happy weekend and happy almost 16 weeks! :)
Ugh. You're right that if it's not one thing it's another. But I know you'll get through this... and it's a good thing that they spotted it! So that's positive! Just try not to worry too much (I know it's hard)!
Oh crap. That can be scary. I hope that the placenta moves out of the way. I'm sure it will. You've still got a long way to grow before D-day. I'm glad you got in for the ultrasound though, and I hope the tech didn't ruin your surprise. Although if she did, you won't know until the baby is born anyway. ;)
I have never heard of that. That would have freaked me out, too. I will pray that placenta gets movin soon!
Glad baby is doing well! Praying that things go well though and you won't have to have the c-section. That is interesting about the tech calling the baby "he". My tech always refers to our baby was "she". Which I know it's still too early for her to tell. So who knows! :) I'm sure all techs say whatever they want knowing that sends the mommy-to-be's guessing if what they said meant anything at all. :)
So happy Skooter is healthy and growing. Will pray that everything corrects itself and you don't end up needing a c-section.
My sister had that and it moved for her by 20 weeks - hopefully yours will too. Glad Skooter is doing well though!
I am late commenting but just wanted to say congrats on another milestone. So sorry about the positioning stuff but sounds like your doc is on top of it and everything will be fine. Glad skooter is doing great!
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